Laurent Fetis is a Graphic Designer based in Paris France.
He often photographs objects and uses them to communicate as layout.
MIA’s video got over a million hits in its first three
days - even before she shocked middle America
with her middle finger. I think that’s the definition of viral?
For when you've had ‘one of those days’ that only advertising
can provide. Iain Tait (of online Old Spice fame) has written
some insightful and inspiring words about creativity
and how to get to the good stuff.

David Woody’s quiet observations of the people and land of Texas.
Garth Walker is a Photographer and Graphic Designer from
Durban South Africa. His insightful observations of his
homeland are simultaneously universal and extraordinary.
Prolific Indian poster designer Ramachandraiah has been
making 4 film posters a day for the past 41 years.
David Shrigley’s exhibition website is categorized according
to; Death, Misery, Characters and Misshapen Things.
Don’t let that put you off. His work will make you
laugh out loud.