May 17, 2012

An ongoing collection of collections

Australian cigarette packaging

Instead of producing a picture, Mark Richardson's inventive
Descriptive Camera prints out a text description of the scene.
Designers Rob Chabebe and Joe Perez make concert 
posters and music videos for psychedelic, electronic 
and noise bands.
Benbo George creates dream-like illustrations.
Malika Favre is from Sweden. Her illustrations are very 
easy on the eye.
We'd like to introduce some friends of ours.
A collection of car wrecks from 1930s Boston showcase 
a variety of uncomfortable situations.
No more than 10 centimeters long, these bristle worms 
thrive in ocean depths up to 30,000 ft.
German illustrator Sharmila Banerjee draws on her comic 
book background to make playful and irreverent illustrations.

One of the 90,000 British Pathe newsreels that can be 
watched for free.