“The Web has mega-optimized the smallest chunk of advertising,
which is direct response,” he continued. And that’s fine for, say,
an online electronics retailer. But it doesn’t do much to enable
the kind of creative advertising that is “intended to make you feel
something for the brand.” That’s what the ad industry was built on,
and it’s what people remember, he says: “Can you remember the
last Twitter ad you’ve seen, the last Facebook ad?”

This is an advert. This is a music video.
The “17 Make-up
Songs” campaign – a collaboration with up-and-coming
musicians who convey the feeling that 17 make-up
products elicit.
Based in the Netherlands, Merjin Hos makes wild and poppy
illustrations for Coke, Google Think Quarterly and Nike.
Fantastic photographs by Steven Siegel of 1980's New York City.

Graffiti artist turns a bridge into realistic LEGO street art.

The world of illustrator Ted Parker is darkly comic and
sometimes disturbing.
Dance music group Justice's new video combines the best
of several sci-fi films and special effects.
Using the graphic language of medical illustration, Katie Scott
made these intricate illustrations for the New York Times.
Experimental typography from the mid nineties.

London based sculptor Wilfrid Wood creates comical
and exaggerated characters.
By combining two mundane objects, Put-Put creates cute sculptures.
Whimsical and bright, Laurie Rolitt's illustrations make us
wish summer lasted longer.